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Since '97
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Apostle of Liberation: AME Bishop Paul Quinn and the Underground Railroad
Nannie Helen Burroughs: A Tower of Strength in the Labor World
Great Negroes: Past and Present: Volume One (1)
Injustice: The Story of the Holy Land Foundation Five
Ta-Lakata: The Tears of Africa
Undiplomatic: How My Attitude Created the Best Kind of Trouble
Legacy: A Black Physician Reckons with Racism in Medicine
Fearless and Free: A Memoir
The Portable Malcolm X Reader: A Man Who Stands for Nothing Will Fall for Anythi
Why Willie Mae Thornton Matters (Music Matters)
Go Tell It: How James Baldwin Became a Writer
Invisible Woman: Growing Up Black in Germany (New Directions in German-American
Destined to Witness: Growing Up Black in Nazi Germany
Black German: An Afro-German Life in the Twentieth Century by Theodor Michael
Bird in a Box
She Persisted: Ella Fitzgerald
Martin Rising: Requiem for a King
Let It Shine: Stories of Black Women Freedom Fighters
Hand in Hand: Ten Black Men Who Changed America