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Sankofa TV
Since '97
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Defend Sankofa
Blackness in Mexico: Afro-Mexican Recognition and the Production of Citizenship
Chocolate and Corn Flour: History, Race, and Place in the Making of Black Mexico
AfroLatinas and LatiNegras: Culture, Identity, and Struggle from an Intersection
The First and Last King of Haiti: The Rise and Fall of Henry Christophe
Abuela's Library
My AfroRican State of Soul: A Journey of Identidad, Struggle, Love & Faith
Plantains and Our Becoming : Poems
The Afro-Latin@ Reader: History and Culture in the United States (John Hope Fra
Black in Latin America
Diasporican: A Puerto Rican Cookbook
One of the Good Ones (PB)
J.D. and the Family Business ( J.D. the Kid Barber )HC
Daughters of the Diaspora: Afra-Hispanic Writers
Lineage of Rain (BreakBeat Poets)
Citizen Illegal (BreakBeat Poets)
The Poet Slave of Cuba: A Biography of Juan Francisco Manzano (Bilingual)
Me Llamo Celia/My Name Is Celia: La Vida de Celia Cruz/The Life Of Celia Cruz
(Un)bound: Five Years of Asterisms, An Aster(ix) Anthology
Atravesando: An Aster(ix) Anthology ( Aster(ix) Anthology #1 )
What We Love: An Aster(ix) Anthology, Fall 2016